By Marie Ross
When I see the term “opposites attract”, the types of examples that spring to mind are introvert/extrovert personalities connecting, people from different subcultures dating such as: The popular guy in school pairing up with the “weird” Goth girl, the pretty cheerleader who everyone likes dating the guy with long hair, into heavy metal music, and so on. NOT different races! The human race consists of many races, and by design, has distinct and stark differences. Beside our physical attributes, there are cultural differences-some learned, some inherent knowledge due to DNA, different ways of comprehension, and scent, to name some. Even within the same race, pheromone scent is one of the determining factors of attraction.
Why then, has the level of White women and American Africans risen to epidemic proportions? Race mixing occurs in many forms, but I’ve witnessed the vast majority of it occurring between those two groups, so that’s where I’ll focus for this article. It puzzles me for I have never, nor would ever, have the slightest interest in doing so. Some of my theories include, neither in order nor limited to, why these sickly abnormal women are doing this: substance abuse, low self-esteem, lack of morality, lower IQ, rebelling against Father, prostitution, following examples-maybe a family member or close friend has done so, perverted desire or fetish, accepting their advances to prove they’re not “racist”, and let’s not forget the media’s agenda driven obsessive glorification of race mixing.
As if simply mixing wasn’t bad enough, here’s a partial list of consequences for the female and potentially some of her family:
High risk of physical abuse, including rape, and/or MURDER.
High risk of STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases).
High risk of mongrel (innocent) offspring (the tribal impulses result in little, if any, birth control use), which the “daddy” runs off to another partner to do the same to while the previous female is left with the baggage of unnecessary, usually unplanned bastard offspring with no “daddy”. I use bastard because other than what the media would like us to believe (disingenuous Cheerios commercial is a prime example), is that the marriage rate is quite low in proportion to birth rates of these biracial unnecessary births. The reality is more a brief relationship of “hook-up(s)” resulting in the aforementioned. Often her parent(s) end up helping or entirely raising them, which is a terrible burden due to her disappointing, revolting misconduct. I can’t even estimate how many times I’ve seen this “family dynamic” while in public places over the years.
High risk of ostracization by friends, family, much of normal society.
High risk of being attacked by American African females-they do NOT like this race mixing either.
Contributing to overpopulation.
Contributing to WHITE GENOCIDE.
Additional burden on tax funds via government assistance/enabling.
- Overcrowding of schools and all the problems that accompany it as a result.
A White male once told me he overheard a group of American African males talking about White women, and the main takeaway (besides the vulgarities) was how the White women were always submissive to them.
And as a result of so much mixing, over the years myself and other likeminded women have had to, and will continue to have to deal with unwanted advances, flirtation, and painfully uncomfortable notices of being looked at up and down. This is why we must be masters of body language. Just as when we’re attracted to a White man, we show our interest through body language, conversation, etc. When uninterested, the reverse needs to be demonstrated. Another commonality among the American African male when passing by female(s) they’re checking out, they’ll almost always turn around in an obvious way to check the female(s) backsides out, no matter the race.
Once I saw a popular talk show that had a panel of guests. All of them were teens and young adults who were half White, half American African, and were there to confront their parents why they had been so irresponsible to create them with no thought of consequences! The panel members had racial identity, anger, and societal issues. Again, they were innocent results (victims) of race mixing.
In closing, while there is no absolute answer as to why this is plague has become commonplace, I’ll go for now with a synopsis: Whites who partake in this defilement of body and race may likely be due to a form of mental illness, triggered by the list of theories listed above. I personally find it disgusting, unthinkable, and highly disapprove of mixing the races.
If you judge this as an arcane way of thought, racist, or any other negative label, take note: Just because you’re “offended” does not make you “right”. I’ve explained it to you, but cannot understand it foryou…