Have you ever, on a lovely day, just sat round all day wondering: gee, who is actually Black in America?
Riiight, neither have we because we have more important things to worry about like the systematic dilution of our culture and demographic through crime, economic terrorism and a multitude of other methods.
But being up-to-date with the current racial nonsense is important for all people of the racial/cultural studies path.
There is a very large debate going on within the America-African/non-White community as it pertains to "colorism."
The idea behind "colorism" is that there is this fragmenting within the non-White, and particularly Black community in America, is that there is a hierarchy of who is truly black or beautiful based on the tone of the color of one's Blackness.
For us, it's simple. It's like being pregnant, you're either pregnant or not; you're either White or you're not.
CNN and Soledad O'Brien, an anchor with a strange racial admixture, created a special trying to determine/identify who is Black in America a while back. If you have some time, we recommend you give this a watch for academic purposes.