Recall last week we described the way the mainstream media describes the issue of domestic terrorism against Whites when it involves a home invasion and the American-African "Gibs Me Dat Now" mentality. What we said was that it is always a "robbery gone wrong" but we believe it is actually a robbery gone right.
A White college student who participated in the performing arts, European ones at that not the "White privilege poetry society," was executed in his residence by two Black thugs who initially got away but were later apprehended. Judging the appearance of the victim and his friend/neighbor, they were probably the White liberal hipster type. Now they have to reevaluate their world view based on this experience.
"Two men were charged Wednesday with the murder of a UMKC student and the shooting of three other people at a gathering last week near the Plaza.
Anthony J. Williams, 21, and Alonzo D. Ruff, 20, are each charged with one count of second-degree murder, three counts of first-degree assault, one count of first-degree robbery and five counts of armed criminal action. Police arrived late in the evening of March 21 to a residence in the 4900 block of Brookside Boulevard to find the four victims. One of the victims, Aaron Markarian, 23, of Warrensburg, Mo., was pronounced dead at the scene."