The native Swedish people have been constantly under attack by the rampant crime due to the mass influx of muslim terrorists who have learned to make a living by siphoning the Swedish government's hand outs and taking from White people. Swedish Nationalists have had enough! Over the Holidays three mosques have been burned to the ground in a show of unity and strength the Swedish people have forged within a sea of chaos. The message is clear, Islam must be expelled from White countries! No longer will they allow Islam to plague their nation!
"It follows an attack on Christmas Day on a mosque in Eskilstuna, to the west of Stockholm, and another on Monday in Eslöv, in the southern Swedish region of Skane. Nobody was injured in the Uppsala and Eslöv attacks but five were hurt in Eskilstuna.
Police refused to comment on whether there was a connection between the fires but anti-racist campaigners noted there had been more than a dozen attacks on mosques in Sweden in 2014. Samir Muric, the imam in Eslöv, told a Swedish news agency: “. It’s beginning to feel unsafe.” The attacks come against a backdrop of rising political tension over Sweden’s status as the leading destination in the EU for asylum seekers relative to the size of its population. The Nordic country of about 10m people is expecting about 100,000 refugees this year, a record number in modern times.
The Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration party that shocked the establishment by finishing third in September’s elections with 13 per cent of the vote, campaigned on reducing immigration to the country by 90 per cent. Party leaders have compared Islamism to Nazism.
The Sweden Democrats scored strongly in Eslöv in September’s elections, topping the polls in several wards, and the pattern was repeated across Skane and its capital Malmö, where many immigrants have settled."