by Joseph Adams
Please check out our PODCAST on defense strategies against this terrorism!
Why is it that when Blacks commit mass organized violence it isn't considered terrorism or racism but instead a "game" with hundreds of their enabling advocates coming to the rescue making excuse after excuse for their abhorrent behavior?
On the rare occasion that White Americans commit senseless acts of interracial violence it is a national scandal. In fact, the instances of this happening are so scarce that the media makes non-Whites White just for the sake of pushing their anti-White agenda.
Here are some images of victims, Whites or otherwise, of the knockout game that the media doesn't want you to see.
Matt Quain
Meet Matt Quain of St. Louis Missouri who was taking his normal trip to the grocery store before a pack of petulant black thugs viciously attacked him leaving him in a pool of his own blood.
This story garnered a comment from St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay: "These individuals have absolutely no respect for human life."
But why is it that Mr. Quain, a pizza parlor worker was attacked? Was it for money? Was it for fun? Or was be because he was White?
Mark Cumberland
How about Mark Cumberland of Virginia who out of the kindness of his altruistic heart offered to give one of the black thugs a cigarette? Mark said sure! Went to give the terrorist a bummed square and later woke up seeing stars. He told his story on a local CBS affiliate:
Wanna know something really sick about the negro knockout game?
Its that most of the victims are too terrified to show their faces. That's right, people who were unassumingly walking down a city street are afraid of retaliation at the hands of vicious non-White terrorists.
A 79-year-old woman was walking down the street before having these terrorists mob her and beat her face in for no good reason whatsoever. She was afraid to tell her story, embarrassed to show her face, and her own daughter did a blackout interview where she was unidentifiable. The key about the clip to the right is that NYC Police commissioner Ray Kelly admitted that these are acts of interracial violence. He acknowledged that the game is called (as it originally was) "Polar Bear Hunting."
While we of The White Voice are strictly White advocates, we do acknowledge that there have been a small amount of non-White victims of the knockout terrorism. We are of the belief that White victims are afraid to emerge to tell their story because of retaliation but non-White victims will. Here is a story of an Asian victim:
She now needs reconstructive surgery.
Now lets get to the nitty gritty and ask the questions that must be asked.
- Why are acts of senseless violence considered a "game" when blacks do it? Does their race qualify acts of ideologically organized terrorism anymore benign than if, say, Whites did it? If White's were doing this Obama would be giving statements from the White House lawn, Holder would be holding press conferences, Sharpton would be organizing national protests in every major city, and the media wouldn't stop covering it. It would be considered a hate crime, not a child's game.
- Why did it take having a Jewish victim of black terrorism for an epidemic that we all knew about for a year now to get attention? Also, does having a gentile victim make the crime any less hateful? Why is it that when Jews are viciously assaulted it merits the attention of the hate crimes task force but when countless White victims were subjugated to the same crimes on exponential proportions it was called a "racist conspiracy theory?"
- Why is it that the media continues to identify the perpetrators as "youths" or "teens" implying that this organized violence is somehow an age-related problem and not a black-related problem? We were all teenagers at one point in time and sure, perhaps we were up to mischievous activities but I am willing to bet that none of those activities included bashing in the faces of unassuming pedestrians. The media is continually insulting the common sense of their viewers. Have they opened pandora's box?
- Is the widespread coverage of this black terrorism epidemic a part of something bigger? I personally do not believe that the coverage of this story is coincidentally coinciding with the recent wave of race hysteria as promoted by Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, Barney's department store, and other racial arsonists. Is the media and are the powers that be setting us up for something bigger that is contrived or has the combustible multicultural balloon been filled to capacity?
- Why is it that there are dozens of black apologists lining up to make excuses for this inexcusable behavior? They claim that lack of jobs or education are at the root of the problem here but that just isn't the case. Terrorizing people does not achieve getting hired or graduating high school. When Whites, on rare occasion if ever, commit senseless interracial violence nobody ever makes excuses.
- Finally, when are White people in America going to decide that they have had enough? When is enough enough or when is enough too much? We understand that there are always going to be insidious individuals who to their core are reprehensible but it is becoming more and more obvious that there is an organized war on White people in this country. We have given American-Africans over 50 years to assess the content of their character, and rightfully so. We said that no longer should we judge people based on the color of their skin and it was time to offer American-Africans who were here through no fault of their individual own a seat at the table. We've answered the call of civil rights leaders of the mid 20th century for 50 years now to judge the content of their character and quite frankly, the content of their character sucks.
By Joseph Adams
Author of : "Murdering Multiculturalism: A candid conversation on how cultural and racial diversity is destroying America" and host of "The White Voice" podcast.