By John King, MAEd
Here at The White Voice we must be honest about our Love-Hate relationship with President Barack Obama. On a daily basis we are offended by his public behavior, which at best is contemptuous of the European-American population. Because of a lack of their civic-collective spirit and being frightened to do the right thing lest someone call them racist, most European-Americans deserve Obama. On Veteran’s Day we saw Obama honor veterans at the White House. Those of us who have worn the uniform – myself included -- understand that more than 80% of our veterans are European-Americans but who did Obama invite to the White House? You guessed it, only black veterans. This was Barry’s way of sticking up his big middle finger to all those European-American veterans across the country.
Gun shops across the country say "Thanks Barry!"
Overall Obama’s presidency has been a boon to two constituencies: gun shop owners and the “pro-white cause”. My local gun shop is usually sold out of the most common forms of ammunition so I have had to start purchasing it off the internet. We have been noticing an upward trend of European-Americans who are coming out of the closet, so to say. They’ve always talked about racial issues over the dinner table for ages but now thanks to our Mulatto Messiah, they’re going public and speaking out about the raw deal that we’ve been getting in this country, be it race quotas, black crime, illegal immigration, minority scholarships, etc. We’re happy to utilize this (a)rising new talent at The White Voice.
Under Obama black criminality has soared. Even the mainstream media has been forced to admit the obvious truth, that bands of black youth routinely gang up on and lynch lone white people from sea to shining sea in their so-called “Knock Out Game.” Lynch mobs are not something of the past that you watch on old black & white newsreels. No, they’re alive and well under a new name, Flash Mobs. Here at The White Voice we’ve been following this game for years but apparently under Obama’s second term black youth (correctly pronounced: “youff”) have been emboldened. Frankly as long as the whites aren’t beaten too badly, we’re not going to protest too loudly. There are those people, who due to faulty education in government schools have their minds filled with the slogans of the cultural Marxist left. No doubt you’ve heard them yourself: “We’re all the same,” “We all bleed red,” “One race the human race,” and “Diversity is our strength.” We’re happy that participants in this game are learning through the school of hard knocks – or what I as a professional educator would call a “confrontational style of learning” -- that diversity is actually an adversity. If it takes a mob of 20 black youth to beat these slogans out of their heads, we’re all for it. Can I donate my old Louisville slugger?
We already have one black holiday, Martin Luther King Day. We’re aware that some elements of the Tea Party and Conservatism, Inc are trying to “rebirth” this man as a “conservative.” This may be related to their religious mindset in which one can go into the baptistery waters as a “sinner” and arise “reborn” on the fast track to sainthood. Never mind that Bobby Kennedy and J. Edgar Hoover had the man bugged for years and acquired so much information on the man’s communist activities that such records could probably fill my garage to the roof. The irony is that my children are forced to worship this negro as a saint in their government school but the government isn’t forced to release all his FBI files until 2027.
There bees sales, yo!
Ah, Black Friday, that one day of the years when everyone is permitted to act like a modern "youf." As many of you know I live in a very monocultural town – I moved here 8 years ago from a highly multicultural area on the east coast. It was mostly for the benefit of my children and their education. Had we remained at our old location, they’d be studying “black history” from September 1st till June 15th. They’ be learning how black men invented helicopters, light bulbs, telephones and the transistor and how evil white men took credit for their African ingenuity.
My town is exactly what you would expect for a highly European-American community. I rarely lock my door. Sometimes I even leave my keys in my car when I go into a store. My children go play with other young people and I never have to worry about them being the victim of a crime or being murdered. Everyone here is polite and knows their place. There’s very little crime. Perhaps the biggest crime is drunk driving. They like to blame that on their German ancestry.
But on the day after Thanksgiving there is a transformation. People shed their polite whiteness and don a veneer of negritude. For the past several years, I’ve gone to WalMart around midnight on Black Friday as an observer. Call it sociological research. Every time I’m literally astonished at the animalistic behavior that I see coming from these excited white shoppers. WalMart is usually a bore around midnight, thus my favorite time to shop but on Black Friday these usually calm and restrained white people go ape. They’re running around trying to grab some discounted Chinese made trinket before the other guy or gal gets it. You can sense their aggression and belligerency. It’s literally a mad house in there but true to African-American custom none of these Whites are ever arrested for their disorderly conduct. Truly, this is a day of equality, when people of all races and backgrounds can act like ghetto ruffians and not face arrest. I really feel sorry for the WalMart staff. I walk by them and say, “How’s African-American Friday treating you?” Afterwards I usually swing by my favorite convenience store and ask everyone if they’re enjoying African-American Friday. Usually I get lots of laughs. I’ve been carrying on this ritual for a number of years so I know what I’m talking about.
There’s no doubt the government is reading everything we write on social media. Sure, I was joking about calling Black Friday African-American Friday years ago. Apparently I’m not the only comedian – or should I say realist? – out there. Apparently the Obama regime does take our opinions seriously.
On November 5, 2013 President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 00002675 which proclaims, “In all federal offices and bureaus the Friday following Thanksgiving shall be referred to as African-American Friday. This shall be a day when all American citizens regardless of race or creed shall be unrestrained in their passion.” I take this “unrestrained in their passion” to be code for “act like an n-word.” Was it not Obama who said, “If I had a son, he’d be just like Trayvon.” Yes, and if he had a city it would be Detroit. And if he had a holiday it would have to be African-American Friday.
Again we at The White Voice return to this theme of our Love-Hate relationship with Obama. Most of the time we strongly disagree with his actions but it is said that even a broken clock is right twice a day. We wish to go on the record as praising Obama and Executive Order 00002675. For a long time there has been ambiguity surrounding the “black” in “Black Friday.” There have always been business minded people who tried to convince us that “black” refers to “being in the black” versus “being in the red.” Thank you, President Obama for clarifying what “black” truly means.
At the same time we see Obama holding his middle finger up to European-Americans. We’re sure Obama is on the phone with Oprah Winfrey saying, “We’re two up on those creepy ass crackers. We got MLK day and African-American Friday. There ain’t no white holidays!” Well, there used to be … George Washington’s Birthday and Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday. Those of us over the age of 40 sure remember them. But we can’t blame their demise on Obama or The Black Congressional Caucus for that matter. It was that “paragon of conservatism” Ronald Reagan who signed the MLK holiday, which set in place the abolition of those former two holidays and their replacement with President’s Day. And as we know with Obama being president, President’s Day has nothing to do with whiteness.
Considering all the aid Barack Obama has provided to waking up White America from its slumber, we at The White Voice are supporting Obama for a third term.
Yes, this is satire.
by J. King, Host of "The John King Report."