White Masses in Desperate Need of Consciousness-Raising Therapy
By Hella Good
Many whites in America do not understand the degree to which they are oppressed because they have been brainwashed and indoctrinated with the “benefits” of multiculturalism for decades, so it’s necessary to make them aware of what our status truly is. Consciousness-raising is a method of education whereby a group of people can be brought to understand what their status truly is, and how they can go about changing it. Once the problems have been identified, one can progress toward solutions.
The fact is that people of color and those whose religions are aggressively incompatible with mainstream American culture (e.g. Islam) hate us and would willingly annihilate us if the odds were in their favor. This is racism of the worst kind: hating someone just because of their physical characteristics, one of which is race. This may not describe all the members of these groups, but it defines enough of them to be worrisome.
One day, a friend of mine called me and said, “I never knew this before, but Jews control everything (media, politics, entertainment)!” This was a revelation to her and she has Jewish friends. I said, “Yes, I know.” We talked a bit about it. I first became aware of this in a more concrete way when I read the National Alliance’s Who Rules America? And My Awakening by David Duke which made many things clear to me about Judaism and race issues. Jews as a group are 2% of America’s population, yet they have a disproportionate amount of influence. I will cover this more thoroughly in future articles.
Crime statistics indicate a disproportionate percentage of crime is perpetrated by non-whites; and a substantial amount of it upon whites who are selected totally because of their color, and likely because we are not known to fight back or constitute a threat. Whites are “civilized,” and do not believe in making a fuss. Some criminals think that we would prefer to cede our sovereignty to them and give up our rights rather than fight back. But statistics also indicate that victims who fight back are less likely to get hurt. Communities which are majority white have little crime. Law-breaking there consists of minor things, like public drunkenness, trespassing, and occasional vandalism. White people are correct to be afraid of black people, since we are likely to be selected as crime victims. In the Obamanation, public hatred of whites is allowed if not encouraged!
Why is it that as whites have become more pacifistic? It appears people of color have become more savage. Has there been a decades-long effort to strip whites of their will to survive, in any circumstances? This is part of the indoctrination and brain-washing of whites in America.
The route to freedom from our present day oppression is to identify the problems and take steps to solve them. Understanding how we Whites have been victimized is but a mid-point. When internet users post how they have been victimized by Jews, corrupt government, etc. it is merely a way-station on a continuum of activism. It is not the goal. As long as we stay victims, we are disempowered. Blaming others for our problems is not the way to solve them!
Expressing extreme hatred of any group is misguided, and it begs us to be labeled as racists or anti-semites. We need to go about this differently, by acknowledging the sources of our oppression and working to disempower them. This is the game plan which has been pursued over decades by Jews and the blessed people of color. The steps are:
Identify the source of oppression;
- Raise the consciousness of the group by Identifying the ways in which we are victimized;
- Develop a plan to empower our people and disempower our oppressor, while getting our people in government, working through the system;
- If the system doesn’t work, keep trying, or use the “by hook or by crook” method, or creeping incrementalism.
If you will examine how gun control laws have evolved, you can observe creeping incrementalism in progress. First, only cheap guns, i.e., “Saturday Night Specials” were banned. This deprived those on the bottom economic rungs of society of any effective form of self-defense. Then certain types of guns were banned; typically they were high-capacity battle rifles with certain characteristics, and handguns with a magazine capacity or more than 10 rounds. At each step, certain false flag events were cited as justifications for banning evil guns, when, in fact, if any of the victims had had firearms to shoot back, they would be alive today. Now the government is buying up all the ammunition and guns they can, thereby creating shortages for the civilian population.
Finally, they will attack ammo and its components. Our Second Amendment rights have already been infringed by laws requiring licensing and registration.
What our people need right now is deprogramming from decades of leftist brainwashing. There is no point in bringing white children into this world unless they are taught the valuable skill of critical thinking.
Happy, empowered people are more effective in every aspect of their lives. Those who are constant victims will neither progress nor succeed. It is time for us to pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps and to begin an effective strategy for empowerment.