A vision of a better nation.
By: Chad C. McCormick
When someone or something you love is threatened by sickness or destruction your first natural instinct is to protect it. Right? What about a sickness that sneaks up on these people and things? A threat that many of us are blind to until it’s too late. Our very race is under attack from a very subtle and easy to miss threat. It takes many forms. Though this threat employs many different approaches and uses many techniques , it has one main goal in mind, one end result: The total and complete annihilation of the White race.
The controlled media, the government, and even our school system is used as a weapon in this great struggle. This fight will not be won on some battlefield or on the open sea or even some distant foreign land. This fight will be fought and won in the hearts and minds of our children.
Our children are our best and most precious hope for a better future for our race. It is up to us as parents, teachers and mentors to educate our children about the very real and very scary threat of the total destruction of our people and our culture. No one else is able to have the impact on a child’s life like the people they look to for guidance. If we don’t teach them, who will? Will you stand by quietly while our children’s heads are filled with destructive and untrue information?
In today’s society it is widely taught and accepted that such things as homosexuality and racial integration are acceptable. Our children are being told that it is fine if two men or two women are sexually intimate. We all know and understand that the purpose of sexual union is for reproduction. Nowhere in the natural world do you see males mating with males with the purpose of creating offspring. Despite those facts, you will still find our leaders teaching that these behaviors are a positive thing. If we don’t teach and guide our children otherwise, who will? It is up to us to change these things.
Regarding miscegenation our children are being told that it is acceptable for two people of different races to join in sexual union and create what is ultimately nothing more than a mongrel. By joining two different races, the positive aspects of each race are destroyed. The uniqueness of those races is erased.
We must encourage our children to be proud of their White heritage. Everyone else is allowed to celebrate their culture without fear of ridicule, but when a White person celebrates their culture they are referred to as racist or a bigot. This unacceptable double standard cannot be allowed to continue.
We must teach our children that being White and proud is not about hating other races for being different. It’s about loving our own race, our own people and culture. Too many times I have found myself in the situation where an individual is talking about hating other races and cultures, and when asked why they feel that way they respond with the excuse, “Just cause” or “Because that’s the way my daddy raised me”. When we are confronted with someone who is asking for reasons behind our beliefs, we must be able to explain to them why we feel the way we do using things we have learned. We must use facts. Make them see the things we see as an oppressed people.
We must show our children these things. We must also explain to them that often by sticking to these beliefs they may be ridiculed and looked down upon by many people. Show them that these people feel this way because it is they who are uneducated in these matters. They simply don’t understand that being proud to be White isn’t about hate. It’s about love. The love we have for our own people.
We are the only thing standing between the total destruction of our race and the prosperity of our race. Men come and go. Nations rise and fall. But the death of a race is eternal. Wake up people! Rise up in the face of this enemy. Stand strong for our children and for our future. It is up to us to start the change now. If we educate our children and ourselves we stand a chance for survival.
In closing, be strong. We must have faith in ourselves as a people. Together we can pin this demon to the ground. Love each other. Educate each other. Use what weapon is appropriate for each situation. Don’t use violence when it can be fixed with words of wisdom. At the same time though, don’t try to use words when a physical intervention is needed. We must protect ourselves and our people by whatever means are necessary. Take the first step people. Someone has to be the leader. Will it be you? Or will you let time run out by waiting for someone else to take initiative? Remember, you have a friend and supporter here. Be the spearhead. It will be hard. Nothing worthwhile comes easy or for free. May whatever God or gods you follow, watch over and encourage you throughout your journey.