Thoughts on MLK Day, American-African history “month”, and “President’s Day”, and how our youth are affected by it.
Marie Ross
Everyone is “offended” these days. The ones who get the attention are always minorities. Being offended is a part of life for EVERYONE. I don’t consider myself thin skinned, for I’ve been through a lot in this lifetime thus far and am offended on a daily basis at least a few times! However, it is overdue my voice, our WHITE voice(s) to be heard!!!!!
Today’s topic refers to the title of the article. These “Holidays”/observances are obnoxious, repetitive, and are a display of racism against WHITE people. On a much more insidious level, WHITE children are indoctrinated by this incessant, oppressive praise/victimhood sympathy of the American-African…
With MLK day here, it is officially the beginning of “American-African history “month” in by book since the government and media are so in love with it and as is occurs with the 1st “lady” having a birthday just before. “President’s” Day is mid-February as we have our 1st American-African “President”, (that is entirely another subject for another time); which catapults us into a month long “celebration”.
Yesterday, I once again proudly shunned the MLK program where I work. There was a temporary mural near the meeting hall displayed since last week, three e-mails were sent, and it was announced over the loudspeaker. MLK was a womanizer, a communist party sympathizer for starters, but it neither has nor ever will be addressed, just as never was /will be about nelson mandela singing about killing WHITE people. They are to be portrayed as saints without question.
Well, we know damn well there will likely never be a WHITE history month. Unless, perhaps once we’re the minority only to demonize us.
What to do about all this? The main point is to Deprogram the youth in your family. Don’t limit to your children if you have any. Look at your nieces, nephews, siblings, cousins, grandchildren, as applicable, no matter what age. For their parents may not be racially aware and you may be the only one to teach them thetruth! We MUST fight against this.
And lastly, if you work where this is a paid “Holiday” (paid day off), enjoy it as simply a paid day off! I for one will!