Anti-White propaganda under the thinly veiled guise of “advertising” has further escalated their tactic by endorsing/depicting violence toward WHITE MEN!
Preface: One can carefully select a program or so on TV per week (very little time in comparison to the average person), yet still be the recipient of the hideous barrage of offensive “commercials”! Most everyone is on the internet. They’ve made their presence there just as well. The examples I’ll list are but a few of countless ones circulating (via both TV & internet).
I’m far from naïve, yet still find it quite difficult to comprehend why so many White people freely subjugate themselves to such humiliation and violence. Sure, they’re getting paid cash for their “services”, but no amount of money is worth one’s dignity-psychological, physical, subliminal, "jokingly", or otherwise.
What to do about this? BOYCOTT and spread the word! When I do take a few moments, I rather enjoy tactfully (often with a facetious tone), scolding them (corporate office, “contact us”, etc.), and informing them the message is on behalf of hundreds of thousands.
Last night, some friends and I had a good laugh at a Cheerios commercial on TV. It was a nostalgic collage of commercials of theirs from the 70’s & 80’s. A few days prior I read their sales have been suffering. We know why that is. Two “ads” celebrating the miscegenation agenda. Too late, but thanks for showing your true colors! ß pun intended.
*Warning* If you watch these, high blood pressure and anger are likely to occur.
Dodge Dart: This is an actual series with the same two actors as neighbors. The theme is always the same. White man-you’re an IDIOT. So far, this is the worst I’ve seen of their “marketing strategy”, when it starts to get violent.
Old Spice-vending machine: Obnoxious, violent African is extremely threatening and degrades an intentionally “wimpy” White man at least half his size while using the word "power" several times:
Official Super Bowl ad (yet another reason YOU should boycott the NFL!) Joe Namath and Ronnie Lott (I suppose he is/was an NFL player? IDK nor care) Shame on you Joe Namath.
Madden 15 trailer. Oh, this is beyond inflammatory. Black on White violence, miscegenation by taking the White man’s woman after humiliating him, and just odd displays. If you dare to look, I suggest you mute, or lower the volume to a minimum. NFL boycott reasons!
Subway: Another repeat offender! They have numerous ANTI-WHITE MALE “commercials”. Here’s but one: The Authoritative African and a White femaleßadding insult to injury, look down on the White man as a foolish individual who won’t/can’t? defend himself:
Kia Forte “Hotbot”. While the male violently attacked with an obvious feminist flair to it appears to be a non-gentile despite his light hair & eyes, the average American would see him as White, so keep that fully in mind viewing this violent little ditty:
Last but certainly not least: Although this product appears to be a foreign brand of candy, the message is as obvious as it is disturbing:
These appear to be clear messages by the destroyers (as covered in Murdering Multiculturalism by Joe Adams)- Uncomfortable as it is, we should take acute heed of these hateful messages.
By Marie Ross