Facts, opinions, and questions surrounding the epidemic disease of so called White girls who choose to mix with negro males: Some observations & theories as to the causes, consequences, facts, and prevention-note: None are in any particular order, nor are complete lists:
Why are these girls making these foolish, often dangerous choices?:
· Although many disagree with it, it is more commonplace than ever. The media glorifies it and an integrated society are very conducive to these unnatural pairings.
· Drugs-easier access and more incoherent, vulnerability
· Rebellion-a very stupid, self-destructive way to rebel.
· Low self-esteem/unattractive and/or overweight. It is a human trait for everyone to have some form of self-esteem issue. Their higher testosterone serum results in an even higher sex drive than non-negro males which causes them to be predatory in their quest for female companionship, as well as make them much more prone to violence-*more on this later*
Chayenne Willis brutally beaten by her Black Boyfriend's Black female friends for being White.
· Pressure/fear: Anytime a White girl does not respond as interested in the negro’s advances, his reaction can range anywhere from the mildest “Why not-are you racist?” Some girls for whatever reasons: meek, fearful, or otherwise, will play into this and to unnecessarily prove to the predatory bully she’s not *gasp* “rayciss”, she will then endanger herself. More severe reactions have been rape, assault, murder (sometimes a combination of one or more of those), and more. Girls/ladies need to do all they can to avoid these situations. If they still end up in one (such as at school/work). Say you have a boyfriend and remove yourself from the situation: You have to get to class, need to call someone, etc.
None of the above or anything else ever had me the least bit interested in pairing up with a male I wouldn’t be attracted to, and have nothing genetically or culturally similar in common with.
Consequences/repercussions/facts-in no particular order, nor a complete list:
· Although it appears a lot of White girls “are doing it” these days, don’t think it’s ok or that there aren’t consequences (often grave)!
· For the very most part, their family members and friends will see them in a disgusting light. I’ve seen people disown a family member over this and a I cut ties with a then best friend after making sure I shamed her first, for what that was worth. I have also witnessed this in other families and friendships. And the ones who aren’t forthright in their disapproval, will talk behind their backs.
· The negro seldom marries his bedmate, and a very high percentage refuse to use condoms which is evident due to the much higher rate of STD’s and AIDS virus documented in their demographic presence in Western civilized countries, and explosively shown by their genetic relatives residing in their natural country of origin., as well as irresponsible impregnation rate. This results in high odds of contracting an STD for the female. It also virtually guarantees a (though innocent) genetically mutated offspring that will most likely be: Fatherless, suffer from identity crises (making self-esteem a much greater challenge), if there are health issues, very low to nil chance of blood or organ donor match, a source of shame on the family as well as the Mother. If the Mother has children from a previous relationship with a White male, those children are now in an unnatural home environment.

Jessica Chambers was set on fire by Black males.
· Other dangers are physical and sexual abuse, and often murder as well. Many times they murder her children and/or other family members as well.
· The negro females do not approve of their males choosing other races over them. This often results in violent beatings and sometimes worse. Remember: they work in packs, and surprise attack.
· It is undeniably unnatural to copulate, let alone reproduce with someone so very different than you. Did your parents do this as you were conceived? Did not did their parents, and so on, and so on?
· Have some pride in your own uniqueness. Do not even think for a second it’s “cool”, or okay to mix with someone so very different than you. Whether you believe God created us, or however you believe we all came into being-we were created different, and originally in separate parts of the earth, and for natural reasons. Why would you want to defy and pollute nature?
· The White Voice has published countless cases where interracial intimacies resulted in absolute tragedy for the White female. Keep in mind-this devastates her families! Do you want to take a chance in ruining your family? Do you love your Grandmother? Who else in your family do you love and respect? Have they expressed how they feel about this? These are very important questions to ask yourself next time someone who has pheromones that are “offsetting” (a detectable scent the human body omits, which is a factor in natural romantic/sexual attraction)-“Why won’t you go out with me, are you rayciss?” To be fair, that occurs within our own-offsetting pheromones.
· Safety first. AGAIN: Girls/ladies need to do all they can to avoid these situations. If they still end up in one (such as at school/work). Say you have a boyfriend and remove yourself from the situation: You have to get to class, need to call someone, etc.
In closing: I have presented inarguable facts, scientific & crime related evidence, and other valuable information/advice I could elaborate if necessary.
Now I’m done with being diplomatic. My opinion is that it is beyond repulsive and disgusting even to consider mixing in this way! I cannot comprehend what is so mentally wrong with those who do, but that is none of my concern, really. I would be so happy if young White girls thinking this were an acceptable option to see my words and realize this is the truth!! Not to worry about being called a silly name. Better to be labeled that than all the terrible examples I just presented! If there were zero White men on earth, I would choose to stay single and celibate until my dying day. That is an absolute fact. I only hope this would inspire other girls to respect nature, not the putrid encouragement and perpetuation of the false notion “this is ok, diversity and multiculturalism is what brings us all together."
Wrong answer-try again! I say.