There is a ton of anti-White discrimination out there, some of which is only noticeable to the trained eye.
Many of anti-White racism is often seen as benign or irrelevant in the minds of many White people because social norms dictate to us that Whites cannot be victims of racism or victims period; that status is reserved for "minorities."
In actuality, there is no such separate bar for White people to reach. Racism is racism.
Even though we at The White Voice allege that the modern idea of racism is actually a political and social straw man, we have some examples of anti-White racism for you here:
- Anti-White people will constantly feel the need to remind you of your "privilege." They will tell you that you have no argument simply because you are White; that being White somehow disqualifies you from participating in a cogent debate.
- Anti-White people will always take a "morally superior" and take a position that non-White people are social subordinates that we must allow to walk all over our backs.
- Anti-White people use transgressions of ancestors past to justify their attacks and assaults on our livelihood, productivity, and ways of life. That because some Africans were slaves we all must relinquish our opportunities to them. They will allege that it is only equitable for White people in the current time to be robbed blind because of what other people with White skin did hundreds, sometimes thousands of years ago.
- Anti-White people will always say that it is irrational to have pride in being born of European ancestry. That we must not take credit for, celebrate, or attributed the successes of European people in Western civilization to our race. Conversely, they will always attribute any ills committed in European history to White people collectively.
- Anti-White people will always marginalize you with ad homenim attacks on your person rather than your ideas. They will call you names, try to associate you with people that you may have one out of ten things in common in order to paint a picture of you as an extremist. I.E. : If the American Nazis want a future for White people and you do too, that must mean that you support the gassing of Jews or have a shrine to Adolf Hitler in your basement.
By a "trained eye" we mean that we must be literate in media, politics, and code language left-wing destructive extremists use to dog-whistle their true intentions.
Once you start looking for these little nuances, you will start noticing that we are undoubtedly under attack. The good thing is that with each passing day, they are getting more aggressive in their conveying their hatred for White people and Western civilization. Comedians, news commentators, and politicians well understand that White people have been beaten into submission and do not cry out against this vitriol they send our way.
Speak up. Shout out at the supermarkets, corner a vicious vermin promulgating their anti-White nonsense at every opportunity. You will be surprised how promptly these bullies fold like lawn chairs when confronted because like most bullies they are not used to someone standing up to them and getting in their face.
Our enemy is big our enemy is strong but always remember, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.