White countries are so evil and racist and instinctively oppressive that non-White people literally break down the walls to get into them so they too can get that oppressive and racist healthcare.
Seriously though, think about it. If White countries are so awful places with imperially racist histories why is it that these non-Whites cannot wait to get into them.
The case of non-White immigrants flooding White countries to get class-A healthcare to cure their non-White ailments is absolutely unbelievable. There is an epidemic in London of non-Whites flooding into the UK to get testing and treatment for HIV.
Now nationalists and other government officials are speaking out against this and looking to ban people with HIV from entering their country.
"At St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, London, the HIV-testing clinic is always busy and a cacophony of foreign voices sounds out from the waiting room.
Russians mingle with Africans, Brazilians with Romanians as they arrive for blood tests in order to ascertain whether they are suffering from what is Britain’s fastest- growing serious medical condition.
Those who test positive join the estimated 7,000 or so people in the UK who are newly diagnosed every year as suffering from HIV.
Several hundred are British-born, but more than 60 per cent are migrants from Africa where, tragically, the disease is running rife.
Each HIV patient from overseas – whether here legally or illegally, whether a failed asylum seeker or student on a temporary visa – is entitled to free treatment on the NHS."