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Black Thug Fires At Officer, Shot Dead By Police, Parents Swear He "Didn't Do Noffins"

The recent media obsession with promoting crying Black parents, who more than likely were absent from their child's life to begin with, after their young thugs get shot is going a bit far right now.

The latest case is the one involving Vonderrit Deondre Myers who fired at a police officer who then made swiss cheese out of him.

Myers parents insist "dat boy din do noffins" and that now their life is empty because their little bundle of joy was so innocent and precious and the victim of an evil wicked racist white supremacist police officer who decided that when he woke up he was going to go hunt himself a Black male because, you know, thats how all White people think......

"It`s a clear case of this young man being gunned down by an insensitive white officer who was off-duty," Akbar Muhammad, part of a coalition seeking justice in the Brown shooting, told CNN affiliate KTVI. "He chased them off a corner."

But does anyone notice that name? "Akbar Muhammed?" Like Allahu Akbar? We don't know but we're just saying.

Perhaps ISIS/ISIL/IS will be using these farce "tragedies" to attack White America by serving as the army for the angry Black mob.

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