The White Voice is on Mixlr

Can't Be Stopped: British Nationalism Is Taking Over Social Media

Social media is a good indication of a growing idea, an idea that cannot be stopped. 

Our brothers and sisters in Britain who are currently undergoing the process of being conquered by Islamists are finally standing up for themselves despite being held back by anti-White anti-free speech laws which inhibit their ability to call Islamist savages who behead people in their streets Islamist savages.

Now the BBC is absolutely bugging out that Britain First, a pro-White/pro-British organization, has amassed nearly half a million likes on Facebook and a ton of Twitter followers.

This does to show that while you can take away our ability to speak, you cannot take away our resolve. 

The absurd and oppressive stripping of our ability to speak worldwide is nothing more than a testament to the failures of multiracial state-coerced policy. 

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