Azealia Banks, who The White Voice has never heard of until her spat with race-mixing White female rapper Ziggy Azaleia (we suspect no relation), has come out and demanded that White people pay her and all Blacks reparations for slavery.
Perhaps if Mrs. Banks actually finished high school, she would be aware that the percentage of Whites in modern America who are the descendants of slave owners is less than 2%. Most modern White Americans are the descendants of European immigrants who migrated in the late 19th century and early 20th century. But, shh-shh, let this cretin continue!
"The hip hop star published a series of accusatory tweets on Friday, arguing that major corporations owe African Americans “major bucks” - up to $100 trillion - after profiting from slavery in the 18th century.
“ITS MY MONEY, AND I WANT IT NOWWWWW!!!!!!” Banks tweeted on Friday afternoon, after linking to stories from various newspapers describing the ways in which American Indians and Holocaust survivors have sought reparations from the American and German governments, respectively.
“Jews and Native Americans all got reparations because they organized. Please don’t let my ‘beef’ with hip-hop distract from what we need… To be focusing on. We are owed MAJOR F***ING BUCKS kids, MAJOR BUCKS.”