As one man once said, the "Black Lives Matter" protests are over, DONE. They have been exposed for the exact terrorism we suspected them all along.
A round of Black extremist protests over the weekend lead to many White people being harassed and in some cases battered by the street vermin that have been protesting all along. This has been a gradual process which started with simple street protests to impeding people's way down the road to now actually getting in the faces of White people and harassing them and now, we at The White Voice suspect it will graduate to an all out enhanced, systemic physical attack on the White race on the North American continent.
The slow burn wasn't as slow as you may think. The protests ignited from the no-true-bill charge of a Police officer who shot dead a ghetto vermin who just robbed a store and attacked him have turned into a national uprising against ordinary White citizens in the streets.
One of the primary extremists have been identified on this .
Here are some of the social media posts about these terroristic protests: