The entitlement mentality's scope is larger than just taking money out of the wallets of White taxpayers. The entitlement mentality expands into the homes of White citizens, the possessions of White citizens, the cars of White citizens when Black individuals feel it is absolutely reasonable to demand that a possession of a White person be bequeath to them because they demand it.
The same is true in the case of beautiful White woman Khrista Ibarolle of El Dorado California who was gunned down for not giving her car keys to a Black domestic terrorist who was later identified as 41-year-old Anderson Swiift.
Based on all research we did on Khrista, she was a beautiful positive women who had a passion for the out doors, simplistic living and making jewelry. You can read more about her interests . It is safe to say that Ms. Ibarolle was a creative and beautiful woman who was taken from us far too soon.